Sunday, October 24, 2004

It's the same 20 minutes, isn't it???!

One thing I've learned over the past 24 hours is that I have to write in the morning. I had an epiphany this morning -- well, more towards this afternoon -- and I thought YES, this is definitely blog-worthy.

But life stepped in. I had to go pick up the kittens at grandma's house. Then we had to go visit DH's parents. Then groceries, then home, then back out for some gardening crap, then back home. Then I cooked supper, ate, cleaned up and cut my right thumb all to hell on the food processor blade.

Now, it's 10:00 p.m. and male kitten is asleep. Girl kitten has been downstairs about four times since I told her to go to bed, and at this moment she's coming downstairs to interrupt my thoughts once again.

So, where was I? Oh, yeah. Life. I have a headache banging on in the back of my neck and the back of my head, and I'm banging my injured thumb on this friggin keyboard while the modem is dialing and hanging up. It's busy, so everytime it hangs up I LOSE Notepad. Now my cat is wiping his wet nose on my arm. Yes, mornings are definitely better for me.

Which just totally conflicts with my epiphany.


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